Saturday, 12 April 2014

Hillary's Future As A Politician Is Looking Bleak

LOL, Lets start with the fact that just recently a brave civilian threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton while she was at Vegas Baby! I have to tell you, it was superb and extremely funny watching her on the telly, that scared look was priceless here's what the news says about the incident, she dodged it, sadly :p

this is from the nytimes:

First it was George W. Bush — and now it’s deja shoe for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton was forced to duck Thursday when a female protester threw a shoe at her as she spoke at a Las Vegas event.
Clinton had just begun a speech about recycling when the shoe whizzed by her right ear.

 Alison Michelle Ernst has been identifed has the woman accused of throwing a shoe at Hillary Clinton during a speech in Las Vegas. 
LVMPDAlison Michelle Ernst has been identifed has the woman accused of throwing a shoe at Hillary Clinton during a speech Thursday in Las Vegas. 
The startled former secretary of state flinched and moved to her left, yelling, “Was that a bat!”
The shoe was thrown by a blond woman in a blue dress, who raised her hands as if under arrest as she was hustled out of a meeting room at Mandalay Bay casino resort.

 LAS VEGAS, NV - APRIL 10: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ducks after a woman threw an object toward her while she was delivering remarks at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries conference on April 10, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Clinton is continuing on a speaking tour this week with the stop at the recycling industry trade conference. (Photo by Isaac Brekken/Getty Images)
ISAAC BREKKEN/GETTY IMAGESFormer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ducks after a woman threw a shoe toward her while she was delivering remarks at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries conference on April 10, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. 
Clinton immediately shook off the disruption and continued her speech on metal recycling after making light of the woman’s poor aim.
“Is that somebody throwing something at me? Is that part of Cirque du Soleil?” Clinton joked.
IMAGE FROM APTN VIDEOFormer President George W. Bush dodged a thrown shoe during a news conference with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Sunday, Dec. 14, 2008, in Baghdad. The man threw two shoes at Bush, one after another. Bush ducked both throws, and neither man was hit. 

You Can Watch The Video Here

And The Lady Got Herself An Arrest, Poor Girl, I Would Have Given Her A Medal LOL,

Fax from I 782 455 5682 54-11-44 18:29 Pg: 2 LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT or ARREST I I 1? -lD#: I 00 . .. -3 EVENT: 140410-1287 ATRUE DATE OF ARREST: TIME OF ARREST:Ernst, Michelle 1430OTHER CHARGES RECOMMENDED FOR CONSIDERATION:Disorderly Conduct 1233.010THE UNDERSIGNED MAKES THE FOLLOWING DECLARATIONS SUBJECT TO THE PENALTY FOR PERJURY AND ThatI am a peace officer with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Clark County. Nevada, being soemployed for a period of 14 years. .That i learned the following facts and circumstances which lead me to believe that Alison Ernst committed (or was committing) the-offense(s) of Disorderly Conduct at the location of 3950 South Las Vegas Blvd. LasVegas, NV 89119.That the offenseis) occurred at day of April. 2014.on the above date at the above stated Detective ivlaewskl Pit 6353 was working a special event at theMandalay Bay Resort Hotel. During this event all-Shite? ?t5??p?assed the security barriers at the entrance of theconference hall, and proceeded-inside. Once inside the venue the female walked at a quick pace towards the front of theconference crowd. Upon getting approximately 60 feet from the guest speaker the female reached into her purse and retrieved a shoe thatshe had put inside. The female. after removing the shoe from the purse. then threw the shoe-in an overhand fashiontoward the stage area where the guest speaker was. The shoe went through the air in the general vicinity of the guestspeaker. During this time other attendees of the venue started to get up out of their seats in fear and confusion as to whathad just happened.The female. later identified as Alison Michelle Ernst DOB 11I04I77. was taken into custody by security personnel andescorted out of the venue. Ms. Ernst appeared to be in an agitated state but aware of what she had just done.Ms. Ernst was escorted to the security holding area at the Mandalay Bay where she was trespassed by security officers.Do to the nature of the event and the disruption and actions taken by Ms. Ernst, she was subsequently arrested forviolation of County Ordinance 12.33.01 0. Ms. Ernst was transported to the Clark County Detention Center where she wasbooked on the above charge.Wherefore. Declarant prays that a finding be made by a magistrate that probable cause exists to hold saidperson for preliminary hearing (it charges_ are a_felony or gross misdemeanor) or for tri I (if charges aremisdemeanor). 5: .- i - . Declarant 314 (Rev. $00) WORD 2007

Now That's Just Plain Wrong, 

                                                         As If This Wasn't Enough For Hillary Let's See The Washington Post's Take On Her 20 Years In DC

Check out this fascinating chart on how closely years spent in Washington correlates -- and not in a good way -- to winning presidential elections.
Image courtesy of Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti
Image courtesy of Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti
Of the 10 presidential races between 1976 and 2012, the candidate who spent less time spent in Washington has won all but two. (The exceptions were Barack Obama in 2012 and George H.W. Bush in 1988.)
Hillary Clinton will have spent two decades in Washington -- as First Lady, Senator from New York and Secretary of State -- if/when she runs in 2016. That's more thanany of the top-tier candidates mentioned on the Republican side.  Consider:
* Jeb Bush: 0 years
* Chris Christie: 0 years
* Rick Perry: 0 years
* Scott Walker: 0 years
* Ted Cruz: 4 years
* Bobby Jindal: 4 years
* Rand Paul: 6 years
* Paul Ryan: 18 years
* John Kasich: 18 years

Clinton's years in Washington are illustrative of the fundamental challenge she will face as a candidate: How can someone who has spent decades in the public eye and is one of the most well-known people in the world present herself as "new" or "future-looking" in any meaningful way? And, at a time when service in Washington is roughly equivalent to having a scarlet "W" on your political resume in the eyes of voters, how will Clinton handle a race in which she will be the candidate who has spent the most time in the nation's capitol?

If She Can't Stand For Prez Then Our Wishes Have Come True :p

Until Next Time BUDS, 

“My goodness, I didn’t know that solid waste management was so controversial. Good thing she didn’t play softball like I did.”

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